
In order to reduce the immens flood risks, China will apply Swiss integrated flood management concepts in the future. EBP supports Chinese flood control experts on the implementation of these concepts along Yangtze River.


Authorities responsible for flood control urgently need an overview on the expected flood risks on their territory. They seek for cost-effective measures to reduce the risks significantly.

Within a Sino-Swiss Partnership including the Ministry of Water Resources China, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) and EBP, an integrated flood risk management approach is tested and applied in the Han River catchment (a tributary to Yangtze River), Hubei Province, China.

The risk situation has been analysed in a consultation with flood control experts in Wuhan in November 2012, using their knowledge and experience of the Changjiang Water Resources Commission (CWRC) and by applying the IT-tool RiskPlan.

RiskPlan is promoting the risk dialogue among the experts. Based on the local knowledge and available data, four scenarios, their frequency and expected damages have been estimated applying a participative process. The total yearly expected damage for the damage indicators fatality, material damage and agriculture damage have been assessed, monetised and aggregated, expressed in Chinese Yuan (CNY).

The generated flood risks in the Han River catchment contributes to the integrated flood risk management. The need for action is identified; a priority setting in regard to protection measure planning is enabled.

During a Sino-Swiss Ministry conference in April 2012 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, next project steps have been identified. The RiskPlan project in the Han River catchment will be continued. Additionally, strategies for the adaptation