
The rail line expansion between Zurich and Winterthur aims to increase rail traffic capacity by 30%. INGE LED+ is responsible for general planning from the preliminary design phase through to construction. Section 1 comprises the perimeter between the Winterthur rail station and the portal of the Brüttener tunnel (some 3 km of track). Core elements of this section are the Neumühle overpass, the Storchen underpass and an upgrade of the Töss rail station.


Our services

  • Project planning for the civil engineering and rail line construction for the rebuilding/new construction of the Töss train station
  • Project planning for hydraulic engineering, taking into account complex infrastructure and environmental constraints (Kempt, Töss, Steigbach)
  • Design of the drainage system in collaboration with the affected stakeholders from the city and the Zurich Department for Waste, Water, Energy and Air (AWEL)
  • Planning of logistics, supply and disposal in a complex urban environment
  • Implementation of the BIM methodology throughout the INGE in the role of BIM manager and BIM coordinator.

Picture Credits: © nightnurse images