
The telecommunications company Sunrise aims to significantly reduce its carbon emissions. The path to achieving this goal includes the implementation of effective mobility measures which we developed together with Sunrise. Focusing on the company’s German-speaking Swiss headquarters in Opfikon, we based our findings on the latest mobility behavior data, a situation analysis as well as a benchmark analysis of comparable companies. The plan of action we developed provides Sunrise with a valuable basis for developing a mobility concept.


Our services

  • Analyzing the results of an employee survey
  • Assessing the current situation at the headquarters in Opfikon
  • Making a benchmark analysis of comparable companies
  • Developing a workshop concept to solicit input from employees and experts; holding and subsequent assessment of two workshops
  • Identifying and evaluating measures
  • Making recommendations for the development of a mobility concept
  • Creating a PowerPoint report with an action plan and recommendations

Image: Pedal power for environmentally-friendly commuting
Picture Credits: unsplash.com, KBO Bike