
We are supporting the Federal Office of Transport with the preparation of the “Message 2026” pertaining to the next development stage of rail infrastructure in Switzerland. Within the scope of this  stage, we are examining the direct connection between Aarau and Zurich, the nodes of Lucerne and Basel, the capacity expansion and acceleration of Lausanne-Bern and Winterthur-St. Gallen, as well as auxiliary infrastructure measures to increase the robustness and stability of the 2035 service concept.


Our services

  • Project management
  • Drafting of the railway service principles for the consolidation of the  national railway service concept 2035
  • Checking the plausibility of infrastructure requirements and costs
  • Checking the plan’s conformity with existing planning objectives outlined in the national “RAILWAY 2050” perspective
  • Evaluation of both the overall concept and specific infrastructure measures with the use of NIBA railway sustainability criteria
  • Drafting of selected articles for the “Message 2026” presentation
  • Evaluation of the feedback from the other federal departments
  • Provision of general support services

Picture Credits: pexels.com, Aleks Marinkovic

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