
Owing to limited discharges during dry periods the streams and rivers in the Jura Mountains of the Swiss canton of Basel-Landschaft do not provide enough water for the use by local fruit and vegetable farms. In the context of a federal pilot project on climate-change adaptation, we ascertained under which conditions local water storage reservoirs could contribute to enable sufficient irrigation. We summarized our findings in a fact sheet that has been made available to local farmers.


Our services

  • Assessment of the viability of measuring discharge at rivers and streams using smartphone apps
  • Calculation of agriculture-related water demand per farm and region
  • Case study to assess water supply and demand
  • Assessment of various means of local water storage, fact-finding to establish a basis for decision-making, and ascertainment of the structural, technical, and legal prerequisites
  • Drafting of a water-storage factsheet for local farmers
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