
The Swiss Resource Efficiency Network, also known as Reffnet, offers support to enterprises that are interested in improving their resource efficiency. Reffnet assists enterprises to assess their efficiency potential, and recommends targeted measures for realizing this potential. The network organization also tracks the actual environmental impact of all implemented measures. It motivates companies to be proactive, and facilitates the process of achieving greater resource efficiency.


Our services

  • EBP provides expertise in developing circular economy strategies to the network. The EBP experts support Reffnet clients by analyzing  efficiency potential and developing action plans for the establishment of innovative business models. They thereby help to reduce the clients carbon footprint and increase environmental sustainability.
  • EBP also supports monitoring efforts on behalf of Reffnet by recording and documenting the actual environmental impact of the implemented measures, including changes in resource consumption. Such monitoring also plays an important role when it comes to ascertaining future needs for innovation.

Please contact us at any time if you would like to take advantage of our free Reffnet consultation offer!

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