
The mission of the Schlossgarten Riggisberg Cooperative is to enable people with disabilities to lead an autonomous life with dignity. The cooperative commissioned EBP to help it develop a strategy for its real-estate portfolio that would secure the fulfillment of its mission.


We provided substantive and methodological advice to the Schlossgarten Riggisberg Cooperative for the development of its real-estate portfolio. Working in close consultation with our client, we used the existing concepts and strategies as a basis for developing:

  • An operational concept
  • Target scenarios, including a cost-benefit analysis
  • A master plan and a business plan
  • Property strategies for the individual buildings

Taking account of the wishes of the residents

We arranged workshops and interviews to ascertain the needs of all the relevant stakeholders, especially those of the residents. In developing the strategy, we also took account of the legal framework, including all cantonal, federal and international regulations for the protection of people with disabilities.

Identifying potential and developing a concrete strategy

Based on our fact-finding work and preliminary drafts, we were able to identify the relevant user-side requirements in addition to the potential for the sustainable and long-term development of the site and its individual properties. We then used our findings to draft a concrete development strategy for Schlossgarten Riggisberg.

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