Data Integration
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Added value is created in particular when it is possible to integrate numerous data sources into systems. This requires a high level of understanding of the type of acquisition, spatial and temporal accuracy, latency times and quantity structures. We have many years of detailed knowledge of a wide range of meteorological data sources and are happy to put it to work for you.


Our experts have already successfully integrated the following data into production systems and the NinJo meteorological workplace system:

  • Worldwide synoptic ground observations (temperature, precipitation, pressure, radiation, etc.),
  • Measurement and observation data from airplanes and ships,
  • Measurement and observation data from radiosonde ascents (weather balloons),
  • Measurement data from floating and submersible buoys (Argo)
  • Measurement data from radar stations and derived products,
  • Data from international polar-orbiting and geostationary weather satellites,
  • Data from various Europe-wide measuring networks for lightning,
  • Numerous numerical forecast models from various weather services and data centers,
  • Oceanographic model data,
  • Nowcasting data such as storm cell data, data from mesocyclone detection and
  • local forecast data from statistical methods.

Once integrated, derived parameters can be determined after appropriate quality considerations, which in turn can be visualized and verified in a technical context. Suitable products then find their way into operational use and lead to continuous improvement of the prediction processes and the quality of the predictions.

We are also happy to develop suitable data integration processes for you.