
For the City of Pickering (Ontario), EBP has been working with the City to develop an Economic Development Strategy that anticipates growth and helps bring assets together to support an economically, environmentally, and socially sustained future.


Pickering – located directly east of Toronto - is poised for dramatic growth with a current population of 95,000 and expected to grow to 190,000 by 2031. The City is also well-established as a center for the key sectors of EN3 (energy, engineering and environment), advanced manufacturing, and logistics. However, the dramatic planned growth represents both and opportunity and a challenge for the City as it looks to establish a new and sustainable identity for economic growth.

By better understanding the economic ecosystems already in place, looking toward future opportunities and risks, and then bringing people together to chart a path forward, the new Economic Development Strategy will be a roadmap. This will allow the City and its stakeholders to better guide a variety of activities, including but not limited to business attraction, retention and expansion, employment and mixed-use land development, and potential industry sector targets.