
For ReMain Nantucket, the University of Massachusetts-Boston College of Advancing and Professional Studies, and the Nantucket Community School, EDR Group (now EBP) was hired to assess current and future “skills gaps” on Nantucket in order to gain a better understanding of the education and workforce needs of the island’s residents and visitors. EDR Group was selected for the firm's understanding of regional labor market dynamics and its ability to estimate educational demand from both an employer and resident/visitor perspective. Ultimately, the goal was to create more year-round, non-seasonal employment opportunities on the island and to improve wages and the career prospects of island workers. 


The study methodology included a series of surveys, focus groups, and interviews. Primary data collection was augmented with an analysis of economic and occupational forecasts for the Greater Boston region, Southeastern Massachusetts, and the United States. The study culminated in the following high-level recommendations to the clients and community:

  • Sponsor on-island professional development certification and re-certification programs that are currently offered on the mainland.
  • Create a single website—or clearinghouse—that advertises and promotes all Nantucket enrichment opportunities.
  • Market a single, go-to place for online and distance learning Partner with employers to provide business and vocational education.
  • Create dual-enrollment (bridge) and bachelor degree programs for fast-growing occupations.
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Executive Summary of "Learn Without Leaving" study